When Hollywood Morocco Phone Number List needed to find a star for the movie Milk, about a San Francisco gay politician named Harvey Milk who was murdered in 1978, tough guy Sean Penn showed he could morph into any character at all. He disappears into the role of Milk with tenderness and true artistry. Penn and his co-stars - James Franco, Morocco Phone Number List Emile Hirsch, and Diego Luna - felt totally comfortable playing gay roles, which shows how times have changed in Hollywood. Previously, playing that type of role could h Morocco Phone Number List ave kept an actor off the A list, so progress has been made. However, top stars who are actually gay don't feel safe enough to come out of the closet yet, so there is still a long way to go. Morocco Phone Number List It's rather like gay rights. In watching Harvey Milk's 1978 battle
against Californi Court, Morocco Phone Number List which has agreed to a hearing of the legal challenges to Prop 8. The following issues are involved: Are the words a simple amendment or are they a constitutional revision, which should have required a two-thirds vote of the legislature? Does Prop 8 violate the constitutional separation Morocco Phone Number List of powers by restricting the judges' authority to protect the rights of same-sex couples? * Does Prop 8 invalidate the 18,000 same-sex marriages that took place between June 16th and the election? If the justices uphold Prop 8, those who back gay marriage plan to put a measure before voters Morocco Phone Number List in 2010 to re-amend the state Constitution. If they toss out Prop 8, the opponents of gay marriage may put something back on the ballot or may even try to oust the Supreme Court justices by Morocco Phone Number List recall! The justices are evidently divided on how to resolve the case. Their decision to delay hearings until as late as March without putting a
stay on the law indicates conflict. Morocco Phone Number List That means that there will be no more gay marriages in California until oral arguments are heard. Justice Joyce L. Kennard reportedly voted not to hear the case at all, but she did agree to hear a case evaluating marriages instituted before the ban was in place. This is not a good omen for those in Morocco Phone Number List favor of gays' right to marry. There are also legal issues concerning the separation of church and state because of the huge amounts of money contributed by both the Mormon and Catholic Churches. California officials are presently questioning whether the Mormon Church Morocco Phone Number List accurately accounted for its role in the Yes on 8 campaign and are investigating their non-monetary contributions, such as phone banks, Web site, and commercials on behalf of Prop 8. Morocco Phone Number List Why would 52% of the voters in California deny a minority the same rights they enjoy? Everyone, in my opinion, should be entitled to the same rights and privileges of marriage. The problem, in a nutshell, s
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